Friday, December 3, 2010

Were On A Mission

We have started limiting TV and Video games lately. This is new to us we have never limited these things before, but I have gotten to a point that I don't like to hear the TV and video games on, and not to mention that there really isn't very many appropriate programs for the kids to watch. Anyways the other day I found the kids playing and they had made a fort, so I asked them what they were doing. They responded we are on a mission Mom, we have to capture all the evil aliens. It amazes me how creative they are when they are forced to be, and how well they all get along, John and I are loving it. So here are some pictures of the fort they made and them hiding out in it.

Love the fort, but it meant I couldn't work at the computer very easily, oh well they were having fun.
Caught cha by surprise ! Typical reactions from all, Carter looks completely surprised, Ashleigh as always has the smile going on, and Hannah is just looking annoyed that I am taking yet more pictures

Love the smiles on their faces here, they are truly enjoying their time with eachother.

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